Relocation services

Simple Steps to Relocate to Germany

Visa & Legal


  • Determine the type of visa you need: Germany offers various visas for different purposes, such as work, study, family reunion, or freelance work. Identify the most appropriate visa category for your situation.
  • Check eligibility criteria: Ensure you meet the requirements for the selected visa category. This may include proof of financial stability, health insurance, accommodation, and other specific criteria.

Accommodation &


  • Find accommodation: Research and secure housing in Germany. This can be a rental apartment, shared housing, or temporary accommodation.
  • ImmobilienScout24 or Immowelt
  • Register at the local registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt): Within a few days of your arrival, you must register your address at the local registration office. This is a mandatory step for all residents in Germany.

Integration & Social


  • Familiarise yourself with local services: Understand how public transportation works, locate healthcare facilities, and be aware of other essential services in your area.
  • Network and connect: Join local expat groups, attend community events, and make an effort to meet people. Building a social network can provide support and make your transition more enjoyable.

Need more advice or have a specific issue that you need help with?

Speak with a member of our dedicated relocation team today!


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